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日期:2022-07-21 10:47:52 阅读量:0








密歇根州 CS 专业课程的入学人数在过去十年中迅速增长,感兴趣的学生数量超过了大学的教学能力。因此,为了提供高质量的教育和维护健康的社区,根据选拔政策限制了 CS 专业的招生。换言之,大学收缩CS的招生计划,以此来提高和保证教学质量。


激烈的竞争也就意味着更高的门槛。限制人数,在亚裔理工男生名校申请不受欢迎的形势下,想进入Umich CS专业的学生,将会遇到更大的挑战。对学校而言,招生官在审阅材料时也会更聚焦,这次政策的改变还会带来更高质量的学生,与高质量的教学形成良性循环。(美国名校确实善于在不同形势下调整招生策略,确保自己的利益)





在网申填写时,通过“advance selection”申请CS专业并被录取,入学之后,提前选择 CS 专业的学生还必须在正式宣布 CS 专业之前满足其专业申报要求(工程或 LSA)。


入学后转入,不在申请时选择第一种途径的学生,从 2024 年冬季开始,通过“Enrolled discoverers”方式申请。这条路径主要是给那些进入大学之后,经过探索后发现自己想读CS的学生。但是“Enrolled discoverer”政策细节要在2023年才会公布。

注意:如果申请时已经预选了CS专业但未被录取,入学后将没有机会作为Enrolled discoverers转入。









Q1: If I do choose CS on the Common App, am not selected for the major, but am accepted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?

如果我确实在 Common App 上选择了 CS,但没有被选入该专业,但被密歇根大学录取,我是否还有机会申请成为 CS 专业?

A1: No, you will not be able to major in CS if you applied for advance selection into CS on the Common App and were not selected for the major at that time. We encourage you to explore other opportunities for computing at U-M.

不可以,如果你在Common App上申请了预选CS并且当时没有被选入专业,你将无法主修CS。我们鼓励你在 U-M 探索其他计算机会。

Q2: If I do choose CS on the Common App and am not selected for that major, does that also mean I will not be accepted into the University of Michigan?

如果我在 Common App 上选择了 CS,但没有被选入该专业,这是否也意味着我不会被密歇根大学录取?

A2: No, admission to U-M is determined independently of whether you receive the opportunity to enter the CS major. If you are accepted into Engineering or LSA, we hope you will still consider becoming a University of Michigan student.

不,密歇根大学的录取与你是否有机会进入 CS 专业无关。如果你被工程或 LSA 录取,我们希望你仍会考虑成为密歇根大学的学生。

Q3: If I do not choose CS on the Common App and am admitted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?

如果我在 Common App 上没有选择 CS 并被密歇根大学录取,我是否还有机会申请成为 CS 专业?

A3: Yes, enrolled students who did not request to be considered for advance selection into the CS major via the Common App during the original application process may apply for the major as an enrolled discoverer once they have fulfilled requirements for declaring CS in their respective college (Engineering or LSA). Details on how to apply for selection as an enrolled discoverer will be available in 2023.

是的,在原申请过程中未通过Common App申请预选CS专业的在校生,在达到所在学院(工程 或 LSA)申报CS的要求,可以作为已入学的Enrolled Discoverer申请该专业。详细信息将于 2023 年公布。

Q4: If I did not realize that the option to apply for advance selection in CS was on the Common App, do I have a second chance to request selection for the CS major?

如果我没有意识到申请 CS 预选的选项在 Common App 上,我还有第二次机会申请 CS 专业的选拔吗?

A4: Yes, you may participate in the application process for the major as an enrolled discoverer after matriculating in the College of Engineering or the College of LSA.

是的,你可以在工程学院或 LSA 学院录取后作为Enrolled Discoverer 参与该专业的申请过程。

Q5: Is there a deadline or timeframe to apply for the CS major?There are two opportunities to apply for the CS major:

A5:At the time of application to the University of Michigan via the Common App. The deadline for this is the same as the deadline for application for admissions to the University.

Students who did not apply for advance selection into the CS major via the Common App may apply for selection into the major at such a time as they have fulfilled requirements for declaring CS in their respective College. 

A limited number of students will be enrolled through an application process currently under development for implementation during the 2023-2024 academic year.


未通过Common App申请预选CS专业的学生,在达到所在学院申报CS要求后,可申请选读该专业。数量有限的学生将通过申请程序入读,程序目前正在开发中,将在20232024学年实施。

Q6: What if I’m a transfer student? Does this selection process apply to me?


A6: No, the selection process does not currently apply to transfer students.





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